Saturday, June 19, 2021

Loop around Ireland

Here's the itinerary for my all-around-Ireland flying adventure, leaving from Oban, Scotland, for Derry, then a counter-clockwise loop around the island, stopping at the major airports along the way. 

EGEO - Oban, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
EGAE - Eglinton, Londonderry, Derry, Ireland
EIDL - Donegal
EIKN - Knock, Connacht
EINN - Shannon
EIKY - Kerry
EICK - Cork
EIWF - Waterford
EIDW - Dublin
EGNS - Side trip to Isle of Man!
EGAA - Aldergrove, Belfast, Antrim
EGAE - Eglinton, Londonderry, Derry

6/19 My first leg is from Oban to Derry, a distance of 104 NM, and gets me to the northern coast of Ireland. I guess there is some controversy about the name of the town, which some people call Londonderry. Here are some things to do in Derry.

6/23 Next leg is from Derry to Donegal, a short distance of 41 NM, which leaves very little time to climb to a higher cruise altitude, and descend, so I'm planning a low 6,000 foot cruise altitude. Here are some things to do in Donegal.

6/29 Flying from Donegal to Connacht, almost twice as far as the last leg, but still another relatively short distance of 70 NM. Covering that longer distance should leave me enough time to get up to a cruise altitude of 14,000 feet for a little while, before heading back down for the approach to Knock airport. In real life, Knock is closed for the moment, due to firefighting activity, but in the simulator, I get to fly in anyway, without causing any trouble. Here are some things to do in Connacht

7/13 Flying from Connacht to Shannon, a trip of 63 NM. Here are some things to do in Shannon

7/15 Flying from Shannon to Kerry, another short hop of 38 NM. 

7/16 Flying from Kerry to Cork, a trip of 43 NM. 

7/21 Flying from Cork to Waterford, home of Waterford Crystal. This is a 55 NM flight. Here are some things to do in Waterford

7/22 Flying from Waterford to Dublin. I got started in the morning, but had to pause the flight for a few days, and ended up finishing it at night. I had my brother in law visiting, and went to show him how cool my little personal jet was, but it was hard to see anything in the dark, haha. Then when we arrived at Dublin, it was so late, they had closed the airport, and turned off all the runway lights. Boo! I tried again a little earlier the next night, and had no problem finding the runway that time.

8/10 Side trip flight from Dublin to Isle of Man!

8/11 Flying from Isle of Man to Aldergrove airport in Belfast. 

8/12 Flying from Belfast to LondonDerry, and the end of this two-month adventure! This pic is looking westward toward the airport, with the runway just barely hiding behind the top edge of the layer of clouds below me.