Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sedona to Silver City

Departing Sedona for Silver City, NM. I flew my good friends from San Diego to Silver City once, in a Rockwell 112, to visit her parents.

Doing the pre-takeoff runup in the Baron. The simulator doesn't volunteer failures, unless I program it to do that, so there's nothing to be gained with the pre-takeoff checks, but I'm trying to reinforce good habits by doing them anyway.

Climbing away from Sedona airport, and the beautiful surrounding countryside.
Approaching the traffic pattern at Silver City. Back in the day, we flew into a little airport just south of town - maybe it was Turner Ridgeport airport, but that one is apparently closed now, with a big X on my flying chart, so I chose the main Grant County airport this time.

On the ground at Silver City airport. This place has a much larger and better-maintained ramp area and terminal building, than the little airport we flew into many years ago.

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