The thick layer of clouds below me was generating thunder and lightning, which was not unexpected, considering the green blotches on the weather radar (NEXRAD) display on the moving map to the right. What I did find a little unnerving, was the sound the thunder was making in the cockpit. I've rarely heard thunder in the cockpit, when out there really flying IFR, and it's just a little more powerful statement, that there's a storm out there to be respected.
As I was descending, I was continuing to monitor the predicted fuel quantity at landing, and happy to see I would have about 100 gallons left at the airport. In the meantime, the display was showing me the first turn of the curvy instrument approach I was about to follow.
The moving-map display is tracking my progress along the curvy path through the mountains, and showing in red the terrain that's higher than the aircraft. In the old days, without a moving-map display, I think most pilots would consider this approach a no-go, when the visibility is less than excellent. Today, with the help of a very capable autopilot with vertical navigation, I'm threading this needle with just 4 miles visibility, and a very high level of certainty that the aircraft is where it's supposed to be, at every moment in time.
Just finishing up the curvy part of the approach, about 8 miles from the airport. More of the terrain all around is above me, which is expected for this airport surrounded by mountains. The visibility is starting to get better, as I'm descending out of the thicker clouds.
On short final, about 2 miles out, with decent visibility. I'm descending into a little basin, with higher terrain all around now.
On the ground at Kathmandu! I found a cool little hangar, where I could taxi in, and spin around, and protect the plane from the rain.