Sunday, September 22, 2019

Manila to Da Nang

Departing Manila for Da Nang, Vietnam. The attraction of Da Nang for me, is that over 50 years ago, Dad used to fly Pan Am 727s into Da Nang, and he had a harrowing story about needing to leave in a hurry one time. In this pic, the SF50 is climbing out over Manila Bay, heading pretty much due west, with Manila's Ninoy Aquino International airport in the background.

My flight planned route takes me straight west across the South China Sea. Notice my ground-speed is quite low, even for this airplane, because I have it throttled way back, to save fuel on this longer leg.

In this area, the ocean is about 4000 meters deep, according to my National Geographic World Atlas, Eighth Edition. I was excited to notice for the first time, that in their Atlas, NatGeo mentioned being able to look at the atlas pages on their website, and was very disappointed to learn that the web address they provided no longer works.

Using real-world weather sometimes makes these flights much more interesting. The visibility isn't impossible at Da Nang, but it's low enough, to make me glad I decided to fly the ILS approach. At 2.5 miles out, I can just make out the airport, at the top center of this screenshot, and of course things just kept getting better after that. 

Flying the simulator on instruments outside the USA is a little tricky for me, since my Foreflight App doesn't show me any information for airports outside the USA. The simulator's Garmin G1000 does know about the approaches at most airports around the world, so I just use what's in their database, and it "magically" works, without me being able to see the approach documentation, which is fine with me for this virtual adventure.

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