Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bangkok to Myanmar

Departing Bangkok, Thailand for Mandalay International airport in Myanmar. I wanted to head North, and this seemed like the best choice of a major airport in that direction, plus the name "Mandalay" rang a bell, so here we go...

With the real-world-weather selection I've made in the simulator, I never know what I'm going to see on my flights. This time, there's a beautiful fluffy white cloud layer below me, during the enroute portion of the flight. I love that! Of course, it probably means I'm going to have some clouds to descend through, when I get to Myanmar.

I found an instrument approach chart for Myanmar online. It's a bit old, but better than nothing, at least for a simulated flight. The ILS to runway 17 has a procedure turn, which helps to get aligned with the final approach course without an acute angle turn, when arriving from the southeast, as I'm doing.

Myanmar has reduced visibility today, but nothing too challenging for a properly executed ILS approach.

Someone went to the effort to simulate a nice terminal building for us, and a decent collection of aircraft on the ramp.

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