Sunday, November 3, 2019

Saguenay-Bagotville to Toronto

This next flight is from Saguenay-Bagotville airport, to Toronto Pearson airport, Canada's busiest airport, and the second-busiest international airport in the Americas. Here are some things to do in Toronto.

Departing Bagotville airport. Looking back down into the dusk, the airport lights stand out against the dark background.

Turning towards Toronto, with the setting sun already below the horizon.

Chasing the sunset westward. As I use superfast groundspeed, I'm catching the setting sun.

Passing the moon.

Descending into the Toronto area.

Setting up for the ILS approach to runway 24L at Toronto.

On short final for runway 24L. Night fell, while I paused the simulator to eat dinner.

On the ground at Toronto, trying to decide where on the vast airport grounds to park.

Found a spot to park, at the end of the terminal building. Hoping nobody decides they need to use the nearby jetway..

As I was sitting there, planning my next flight, I noticed another SF-50 parked ahead of me, and also saw the twin landing lights of an MD-82 landing on runway 24L.

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