Friday, November 8, 2019

My Summer-2019 Round-The-World Trip Summary

So it looks like I visited somewhere on the order of 47 cities and 30 countries, on my "around-the-world westbound" adventure. I flew the X-Plane simulator's version of the Cirrus Vision SF-50 personal jet. The biggest challenge with that little aircraft, is the limited range, which in a few cases, severely limited my flight planning options. I had a few semi-harrowing experiences, but the worst part occurred in my head, as I was thinking through what was happening, and how to deal with it. I used the trip planning website, to create this image, which shows my complete itinerary. They only allow 30 cities in one trip, so I had to break it up into the first part of the trip and the last part of the trip. I created the image by manually stitching snapshots of the two TripHappy itinerary pages together, using the very capable GIMP image editor. It's just a static image, though, so if you want to get some information about each city where I stopped, follow the TripHappy links above, and click on the popup that appears, when you move your cursor over each of the stops.

If you want to follow my trip from the beginning, click here to go to the original post. At the end of that post, you'll find links to "Previous Post" and "Older Post", which you can use to navigate from one flight to the next.

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