Thursday, March 5, 2020

Nassau to Greenville

Departing Nassau for Mid Delta Regional Airport in Greenville, Mississippi. My entrepreneur friend David owned radio station WGVM in Greenville for 60 years. Here are some things to do in Greenville. This 870 NM flight will make good use of the SF-50 Generation 2's extended range. Heading home! Two flights, including this one, should get me there.

Just after takeoff, with a great view of Nassau airport laid out behind me.

Climbing through 13,800 feet, and the temperature is already 3C below freezing, with a 22 knot wind from my left. The moving map display gives a nice perspective on my location, relative to Nassau behind me, Andros Island (the largest island of the Bahamas) to my left, Great Abaco and Castaway Cay to my right, and Grand Bahama ahead and to my right.

Level at 31,000 feet, with the temperature down to -43C, and a 52 knot wind from ahead and left. That'll eat into my range! I'm just passing Palm Beach, with the PBI airport about 30 miles to my left. Waving figuratively at my Dad down there, probably napping right now. The fuel totalizer is predicting I'll have 561 pounds of fuel left after landing, which is about an hour and a half of flying time, at this altitude and speed.

Still cruising at 31,000 feet, now over Alabama, with a temperature of -46C and the winds up to a whopping 100 knots, about halfway between headwind and left crosswind. My heading correction (crab) angle is 19 degrees to the left, to keep me on my planned course.

About 180 miles from Greenville, just before starting down, and the wind is slightly up, to 104 knots. Fuel available at landing is predicted to be around 400 pounds, which is still very manageable. The RNAV approach to runway 36L is loaded into the FMS, but not yet activated.

I saw this interesting water feature, as I'm approaching the Greenville area. I think it might be Sky Lake and Bear Creek. Lots of flat green land around here.

Descending through 2,200 feet, and about to turn onto the IFR base leg to runway 36L.

Turning toward the airport, about 11 miles out.

On final approach to runway 36L, and 1.7 miles out.

On the ramp at Greenville!

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