Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Visiting Melfort Pier

My friend Etonella has talked about her summer place at Melfort Pier in Scotland, not far from Oban. These pics are from a late afternoon flight from Oban to Melfort Pier, in the Cessna Caravan 208, followed by a few pics in the daylight, while flying around Melfort in a nice slow little taildragger. 

Taking off in the Caravan, from runway 19 at Oban airport (EGEO), with Ardmucknish Bay to my right
Climbing away from Oban runway 19, turning right toward Ardmucknish Bay
Crossing the mouth of Loch Etive, heading toward Dunstaffnage Castle
Passing over a small island just off the coast from Dunstaffnage Castle
Over Ganavan Bay, just offshore from the beach at Ganavan - the lights to the left are at the beach parking lot
The lights of Oban ahead and left, just past Battleship Hill
The city of Oban to the left
Heading overland, following Soroba Road A816 from Oban to Melfort
Loch Melfort ahead and right
Loch Melfort to the right
Melfort Pier near the center of the picture
Circling over Loch Melfort
Over Kilmelford and Soroba Road, with Melfort Pier to my right
Over Tullich, looking toward Fearnach Bay and Melfort Pier
I switched to a little slow taildragger and daytime, for a more leisurely flight, and better view of the Melfort area
Looking straight down Melfort Pier from over the Loch
Looking out toward Loch Melfort from over Melfort Village
Making a slow approach to an open field near the pier

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