Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Unalaska to Adak

8/27: Cruising from Dutch Harbor to Adak, Alaska. It's probably hard to see, from the screen snapshot of the SF50 jet's instrument panel, but the primary display is showing me level at 26,000 feet, and the multi-function display's flight plan window is showing less than a minute away from beginning the descent to Adak airport, with a groundspeed of 275 knots and a 90% power setting. I could've cruised a little faster at 98% power, and burned up gas a lot faster, but I'm slowly learning empirically about this little jet, and how much farther it can go, when I throttle back a little.

On the ground at Adak. There are lots of hills around the airport here, too. I appreciate the reality that Alaska is full of bumps! And this part (the Aleutian Islands) is also surrounded by water.

My next planned stop would be of questionable sanity in the real world: Yelizovo airport, near the town of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, on the Kamchatka peninsula. Not that far, from where Korean Air 007 was shot down, because they got too close, due to a navigation error. My flight planning software says there are no published instrument approaches for this airport, and it doesn't show me any airport or taxiway diagrams. It does tell me the airport elevation is 128 feet above sea level, the longest runway is 11,155 feet, and they have Jet-A fuel. So it's a legitimate (politics aside) fuel stop. Not necessarily a sane one, as the trip distance is 911 NM. So I'm back to setting up a massive 150KT tailwind at my planned 26,000 foot cruising altitude, and giving it a try. It's easy to be adventurous in the flight simulator!

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