Friday, January 24, 2020

San Diego to Palo Alto

I had so much fun reminiscing about my days in San Diego, that I decided, rather than pushing the range of the SF50G, I would rather fly to another place with fun memories, so I headed North to Palo Alto. Here are some things to do in Palo Alto. As I was climbing away from Montgomery Field, I remembered the many times I've practiced the VOR approach to Oceanside airport, when I was training for my Instrument rating, so I decided on a whim to fly that VOR approach again, and stop in at that sleepy little airport for a moment.

When I tried to look up the Oceanside airport info in Foreflight, I realized that the old OCN airport abbreviation we wrote in our logbooks so many times, had changed to KOKB, but the approach was still very similar.

Heading up the coast toward the bay area, I saw many familiar sights, including this view of the Los Angeles International airport (KLAX) from overhead, just off the right wing. The view isn't quite as spectacular from 31,000 feet, as it used to be, when I would pass overhead at 8,500 feet in a little Cessna.

Passing over the central California coast, with the familiar town of Atascadero below, just off the left wing. Things started to get a little busy, as I approached the bay area, and neglected to capture any other snapshots on the way to, or even after arriving at, the Palo Alto airport.

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