Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tucuman to Puerto Montt

Departing Tucuman, Argentina for El Tepual International Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile. Here are some fun things to do in Puerto Montt.

I forgot to snap a picture after I took off, so here we are, cruising at 31,000 feet, with a significant (106 knot) crosswind from the right, that's leaning slightly toward being a slight tailwind. With my 22 degree heading correction for wind, I don't think it will be much help making me go faster.

Cruising at 31,000 feet above a thin broken cloud layer, over the south end of the Andes, before beginning my descent into Puerto Montt.

Still level at 31,000 feet, with the Top Of Descent (TOD) point about five minutes ahead. The wind has increased slightly, to 112 knots.

Descending through 4,800 feet, just going beneath a high overcast layer.

On the ground at Puerto Montt! Here's a flyover view of the airport. My aircraft is always depicted at the center of these views.

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