Monday, February 24, 2020

Cayenne to Port of Spain

Departing Cayenne for Piarco International Airport in Port Of Spain, Tunapuna/Piarco, Trinidad and Tobago, a flight of 636 NM. The name of this area is so familiar to me, since I'm aware that the Socata aircraft company makes two planes named the Trinidad and the Tobago! Here are some things to do in Port of Spain and Piarco.

I "got in" the airplane, and realized it's a few hours ahead of Denver, so it's already night there. Oh well, so much for a scenic flight, but I love airport and ground lights at night!

Climbing out of Cayenne airport.

Level at 31,000 feet, with a temperature of -44C, and the wind from the left and slightly ahead at 35 knots. I've already got the ILS-10 approach setup in the panel, based on the forecast winds at Port Of Spain.

Descending through 5,700 feet, just breaking out of a thin cloud layer that has some rain in it. The teardrop course reversal onto the final approach course is depicted on the moving map display, about 8 miles ahead. I turned off the strobe lights when they were reflecting back, and blinding me, when I was inside the clouds. I should've turned them back on, after I descended out of the clouds.

Looking back with the spot plane view, and seeing some lights of the populated coastal areas behind me in the distance.

Two mile final to runway 10. The sparkly airport lights are a welcome sight.

Crossing the runway threshold. Nice perspective view of the runway lights converging on a point in the distance.

On the ramp at Piarco airport. It's quite a bit trickier at night, finding a place to park, where I won't get run over by a taxiing B-747.

Preparing to shutdown. All electrical is off except bus 1 and strobes. The avionics are all setup for my next flight - to Martinique! Next step is to power down the engine, turn off electrical, and save the situation, so I can load it next time, and be right where I left off.

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