Thursday, February 13, 2020

Puerto Montt to Tierra Del Fuego

Departing Puerto Montt, and turning on course for Malvinas Argentinas Ushuaia International Airport in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. My destination airport is at the southern tip of South America! Here are some things to do in Tierra Del Fuego.

Descending through a thick cloud layer, with tops above 20,000 feet, I'm starting to see breaks in the clouds, as I pass through 10,000 feet. The bottom of the overcast appears to be a few thousand feet farther down.

The airport is near the water's edge, down in a deep valley, which makes the instrument approach even more interesting, on a moist, medium-visibility day like this.

Descending through 3,600 feet while flying over the Beagle Channel, the center of which defines a geographic border line between Chile and Argentina. With such limited visibility, and tall mountains all around, it's somewhat comforting, to be descending on the approach, over water that's at sea level.

At this point, I'm a little more than three miles out on the final approach, descending through 1,400 feet. With the terrain hazard warning colors lighting up the map display on the panel, the runway lights look very inviting from here!

On the ground in Tierra Del Fuego! Here's a flyover view of the airport, showing the range of tall mountains that lie along the final approach path.

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