Saturday, February 29, 2020

Antigua to British Virgin Isles

Departing Antigua for Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), a short 176 NM hop toward the northwest end of the Lesser Antilles island chain. Here are some things to do in BVI. This planning view in the Foreflight app has the Color IR Satellite layer selected, which shows cloud cover as seen from space, and colorized based on cloud top temperatures, which can give a pilot some idea of cloud top altitudes.

Here's the view out the front windscreen in daylight. The panel is dark, because I just "got in" the airplane, and everything is shutdown. With a FADEC, it's simple to get things going: Fuel selector to Auto, Battery 1 and 2 On, external Strobe lights On, Engine Start switch to Run, then make sure engine readings stay in their green ranges. Once the engine is running, turn on Generator 1 and 2.

And just like that, we're climbing out from Antigua.

Passing Saint Kitts and Nevis, with Nevis island off the left wing. Both islands are of volcanic origin, with large central peaks covered in tropical rain forest.

Flying over open ocean is mostly a boring experience. When I flew between Hawaiian islands once in a Cessna 152 (with a life raft on board), I found that looking down at the ever-so-deep and dark blue ocean made the experience a little more exciting, and caused me to review my ditching procedure, just in case.

Looking over at Beef Island airport to the right ahead, as I approach the British Virgin Islands. There was no instrument approach available for runway 07, which was favored by the wind, so I decided to make up my own approach path in Foreflight, and follow that to the airport in VFR conditions.

Descending through 5,700 feet, and turning right toward Beef Island.

Heading toward a bare patch of ground up ahead that looks like it could be the airport, just past the last range of high hills.

Hmm. My makeshift approach path has me descending perilously close to these hills. Since I can see them, I'm in no danger of running into them, but it's kinda fun to skim the hilltops as they go by.

Now about a mile from to the airport, and a little left of the runway centerline. I had realized earlier, that my made-up approach was a little off to the left, and I could have approached much more safely, by staying over the water to my right. This approach was may more fun, though!

Turning off the runway at BVI.

One last look around, after shutting down and planning the next flight - to Grand Turk Island!

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