Friday, October 11, 2019

Cyprus to Istanbul

Today's flight heads from Cyprus to Istanbul International airport, in Istanbul, Turkey. Here are some things to do in Istanbul. Dad has flown into Istanbul airport many times, and I was in the cockpit "jump" seat with the crew, one of those times. I've had friends post pictures from their vacations which stopped there. I've read about how the Russian submarines use the Bosporus and Turkish Straits, to get from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean Sea.

Flying a short crosswind leg after takeoff, to intercept my planned route direct to Istanbul. Looking back at Larnaca airport, you can see it is largely surrounded by water.

Climbing Northwest toward the Mediterranean Sea and then Istanbul, about 500 miles away.

Over Behsehir Lake in Southern Turkey. I suppose there's nothing special about this large lake, except I happened to be over it, when the time came to go get some breakfast, so I caught a snapshot before I left.

On the ground in Istanbul. The simulator didn't have any instrument approaches for Istanbul in its database, so it was a little dicey getting in here, with limited visibility, but it worked out in the end. Here, I'm waiting for another taxi clearance, after landing on runway 25R, and taxiing back to cross the runway. Note all the wind powered generators in the distance - yes, in the simulator, they are all rotating!

Taxiing, it seems miles, to my assigned gate at Istanbul airport. Off in the distance is the Black Sea.

Settled in at my assigned gate at Istanbul airport. I continue to be amazed, at the level of simulated detail that is captured about these airports all around the world. Even the ramp lights are twinkling in the afternoon mist.

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