Friday, October 4, 2019

New Delhi to Karachi

Now heading from New Delhi to Jinnah International airport in Karachi, Pakistan, the fifth largest city in the world. Who could pass up a visit to Karachi?

Nothing to see out there, at my cruise altitude of 21,000 feet. I tried my usual maximum cruising altitude of 26,000 first, and although I was cruising with blue skies and puffy clouds below, I was facing 45+ knots of headwind, so I tried a few thousand lower, and found much lower winds, but unfortunately, it dropped me into the clouds.

On this "interesting" overcast day, with visibility reported as 4 miles in fog, the airport is technically in VFR conditions, so the simulated Karachi approach controller gave me a visual approach to runway 25L. Here I am, leaning on my backup plan, having setup for, and now flying, the ILS approach, and down to 1,000 feet and a little less than 3 miles out, with the airport just barely coming into sight. You can see it too... right?

1 comment:

  1. Very informative contact i really like. If you are interested to visit best places visit my website Famous Places in Karachi
