Monday, October 7, 2019

Tehran to Baghdad

Today's flight planned route is from Tehran to Baghdad International airport, in Baghdad, Iraq. I remember Dad talking about flying into Baghdad back in his days as an airline pilot. Here's a list of things to do in Baghdad.

Departing Tehran to the southeast, the nearby Elburz mountain range between Tehran and the Caspian Sea are visible beyond the airport.

Climbing out toward Baghdad, passing through 7,230 feet, the terrain hazard warning colors indicate that I'm already above most of the terrain in front of me.

Some interesting looking mountains along my route of flight.

Crossing the Sirwan River just East of Baghdad.

On the ground in Baghdad, I am surprised to find that only the runways and ramp areas are depicted in the simulator, and there are no buildings anywhere. I taxied back to the end of the runway, and left the plane there for next time.

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