There is a body of water called "Sørvágsvatn" in the Faroe Islands. When I arrived at Vagar airport, I flew right over it on short final approach, during a dark early-morning instrument approach, with a low overcast and strong crosswinds. I saw it fleetingly, while concentrating on staying lined with the runway, and assumed it was a fjord, but it turns out to be a lake that is
separated from the ocean by a short, but very steep, cliff. The day after I
landed at Vagar, a friend posted this beautiful and striking picture of the
lake on Facebook, with a mention that it was in the Faroe Islands
somewhere. I didn't realize I had already seen it, so I decided to take a
side trip in the X-Plane simulator's ultralight aircraft to find it,
and circumnavigated all of the Faroe Islands looking for it, before I
gave up and came back to the airport. As I was approaching the airport, I
suddenly realized the large body of water on short final wasn't a fjord after all, and saw the cliff that
had been shown in the photo on Facebook. As the old saying goes, "you
always find what you're looking for, in the last place you look!"
Here is a bunch of screen snapshots from my ultralight adventure. I took off on runway 30 toward the northwest, and circumnavigated the Faroe Islands in a clockwise direction. I flew high enough, to be able to see a reasonable amount of territory, then descended to investigate anything that looked like a lake that was relatively near the shoreline of an island. The last snapshot (of course!) shows what I saw, as I was approaching Vagar Island's airport from the southeast.

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