Saturday, October 5, 2019

Karachi to Dubai

Here's my flight planned route from Karachi to Dubai International airport in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. My neighbor's daughter married a pilot, who for some years flew an Embraer 170 all over the world, for the royal family in Dubai. I think she even moved to Dubai for awhile. Here's a list of fun things to do in Dubai.

I'm trying to use the updated X-Plane ATC services again for this trip. Seems to be working OK. In this snapshot, I'm getting my clearance to taxi out from the terminal to runway 25L for takeoff.

Flying up the North side of the Gulf of Oman.

Fun depiction of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, on the moving map display, as I'm descending towards Dubai.

On the short final approach for runway 12L at Dubai, on a beautiful sunny clear VFR day.

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