Saturday, October 26, 2019

Keflavik to Narsarsuaq

Today's flight is from Keflavik to Narsarsuaq airport, in Narsarsuaq, Greenland - the only international airport in southern Greenland, and the closest one to Keflavik. Here's a little more info about Narsarsuaq.

Departing Keflavik in the early morning, with the airport, and a pretty sunrise, visible in the background. The overwater portion of the flight was relatively uneventful, after I caught and fixed a goofy navigational setup in the G1000, that had me diverging rapidly from my planned route to Narsarsuaq. To deal with that, I manually tracked the course that was planned into the Foreflight app on my iPad, until I could figure out what was going on. Nice to have a backup that I trust.

Approaching the East coast of Greenland, still cruising at 26,000 feet. Winds are light and variable at this altitude today, which never happens. Hmm... Aha - time to switch back to real-world weather, after setting it to clear and calm for my earlier ultralight flight around the Faroe Islands.

There is quite a lot of rocky terrain below, as I descend through the limited visibility, tracking the RNAV approach to runway 06.

The G1000 moving map display gives a pretty good idea of the interesting terrain below. It also is showing me the entire flight path of the RNAV approach to runway 06, and the missed approach procedure, in case it's needed. The weather is pretty good, especially considering all the scary weather stories I've read about this area, so I don't anticipate needing to go around, but I'm ready just in case.

Some more of that interesting terrain beneath me, as I fly the approach in "visual" conditions, albeit with fairly limited visibility.

The RNAV 06 approach turns me towards the airport, just before a high ridge. It's a little unnerving, to think that I could be flying this same exact route, on a different day with a lower overcast layer, and not be seeing that ridge ahead.

With Narsarsuaq airport in sight, the moving map display is depicting high terrain all around.

One more high ridge to get past, before crossing "Tunulliarfik Fjord" to the airport just beyond.

On short final approach to Narsarsuaq airport.

Parked on the ramp at Narsarsuaq airport.

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